November 11, 2010

May 21, 2010

May 11, 2010

The Fame - Part 1

Gaga's first video; homemade and made her famous

Ink Blots

The new face of fashion has arrived.
And its Australia's own, DION LEE.

He debuted his collection at the Sdyney Opera House
during RAFW (Rosemount Australia Fashion Week) and received beyond great reviews.
Some even say that he was the one who "saved" RAFW. Pretty big deal.

Watching his show I got the same feeling I got as I first watched the Poker Face music video.
The, "oh shit this kid is gonna be huge" feeling. His show was flawless.
The architectural mini dresses,the ink blot computerized patterns, and the crystallized heels
are better than mostshown in New York and Paris.
This kid is going places, fast.

Dion Lee,Ink Blots
Dion Lee,Ink Blots
Dion Lee,Ink Blots
Dion Lee,Ink Blots
Dion Lee,Ink Blots
Dion Lee,Ink Blots
Dion Lee,Ink Blots
Dion Lee,Ink Blots
Dion Lee,Ink Blots
Dion Lee,Ink Blots
Dion Lee,Ink Blots
Dion Lee,Ink Blots
Dion Lee,Ink Blots
Photos Courtesy of Jak & Jil, Street Peeper, Style Bubble, and Perth Now

March 10, 2010

The New Blacks

Fall 2010
viktor & rolf,fall 2010

viktor & rolf,fall 2010

viktor & rolf,fall 2010

viktor & rolf,fall 2010

viktor & rolf,fall 2010

viktor & rolf,fall 2010

viktor & rolf,fall 2010

viktor & rolf,fall 2010

viktor & rolf,fall 2010

viktor & rolf,fall 2010

viktor & rolf,fall 2010

Photos Courtesy of

March 8, 2010


Levitation by Solve Sundsbo featuring Jessica Stam
levitation,paper mode
levitation,paper mode
levitation,paper mode
levitation,paper mode
levitation,paper mode
levitation,paper mode
levitation,paper mode
levitation,paper mode
levitation,paper mode
Photos Courtesy of Numero #77

February 27, 2010

Welcome to the Good Life

Today, February 27th, is my birthday.
My friends and I celebrated by driving 
(while blaring sufficient amounts of bad music) 
to Zentan at the Donovan House, 
and feasting inside a secluded circle of curtains.

But it got me thinking.
There seems to be this odd sensation that comes with turning seventeen.
Up to sixteen it feels like your working to just get half way through your teens.
But once you hit sixteen, you still don't feel you've reached your destination.
Then seventeen rolls around, and you finally get your first taste of maturity, R-Rated movies.
But then you think; Who cares if I can get into R-Rated movies? 
I've been sneaking in for the past three years anyways.
 You're feeling like you're so much mature because finally get to do all these new, legal, things
but really, you've been doing all of these things for the past two or three years.
And then there's that odd fixation with the number seven.
But that's a completely different topic.

Oh right ... and I chopped off all my hair.


Catalina got me the best birthday present ever, a Fashionary.
Its this little sketch-book-type-thing that helps you learn to sketch really fast, 
and its lists over 1500 different designers, what the different names for skirts, collars, jackets, etc. are,
and the best fonts and layouts to use for portfolios. Its genius.
I'll post about it later, don't worry.