February 27, 2010

Welcome to the Good Life

Today, February 27th, is my birthday.
My friends and I celebrated by driving 
(while blaring sufficient amounts of bad music) 
to Zentan at the Donovan House, 
and feasting inside a secluded circle of curtains.

But it got me thinking.
There seems to be this odd sensation that comes with turning seventeen.
Up to sixteen it feels like your working to just get half way through your teens.
But once you hit sixteen, you still don't feel you've reached your destination.
Then seventeen rolls around, and you finally get your first taste of maturity, R-Rated movies.
But then you think; Who cares if I can get into R-Rated movies? 
I've been sneaking in for the past three years anyways.
 You're feeling like you're so much mature because finally get to do all these new, legal, things
but really, you've been doing all of these things for the past two or three years.
And then there's that odd fixation with the number seven.
But that's a completely different topic.

Oh right ... and I chopped off all my hair.


Catalina got me the best birthday present ever, a Fashionary.
Its this little sketch-book-type-thing that helps you learn to sketch really fast, 
and its lists over 1500 different designers, what the different names for skirts, collars, jackets, etc. are,
and the best fonts and layouts to use for portfolios. Its genius.
I'll post about it later, don't worry.

The Warrior Way

Daria Werbowy shot by David Sims for Vogue US March 2010

paper mode,warrior way
paper mode,warrior way
paper mode,warrior way
paper mode,warrior way
paper mode,warrior way
paper mode,warrior way
paper mode,warrior way
paper mode,warrior way
Photos Courtesy of Vogue US

The McQueen shoes are seriously everywhere.
Long. Live. McQueen

February 22, 2010


In honor of The September Issue, which is being released on DVD tomorrow,
here is an editorial from Vogue Paris and shot by Mario Testino, where Snejana Onopka recreates the iconic status
of our favorite ice queen, Anna Wintour.

anna wintour
anna wintour
anna wintour
anna wintour
anna wintour
anna wintour

anna wintour
anna wintour

February 18, 2010

Live and Let Die

Today, it was announced that the Alexander McQueen label
will continue even after the death of Lee Alexander McQueen
last week. Gucci Group, which has owned the label since 2000, stated that the
Fall 2010 show (which was completed only days before Lee's death)
will run as scheduled at Paris Fashion Week in March. However, they have not released 
any decision as to who Lee's successor as head designer will be.

This really scares me.
I sincerely believe that the label should not continue.
Lee Alexander McQueen was a legendary designer and the ideas he had, 
could only have come from him. No one else will ever be able to create what he produced.
I feel that if Gucci Group replaces him with a new head designer or a panel of designers, 
there is no way they will be able to live up to McQueen.
He was one-of-a-kind designer with ideas that no other designer, young or old, could ever come up with.
His body of work is astounding, and will remain a part of fashion history forever, so why should we try
to continue with a new designer that will never do as amazing of a job as Lee did?
That was his company, and it should live and die with him.
Video Courtesy of CNN

Let's learn from what happened at Valentino, and let the label end
with Lee's spectacular spring collection.

February 17, 2010

God Saved the Gaga

Lady Gaga salutes Alexander McQueen
in her performance at the Brit Awards last night.
A giant Gaga figurine stands on stage in the infamous 
Alexander McQueen Spring 10 claw heels, while Gaga performs.
Those shoes are beyond must-have status,
they are legendary.

Oh, McQueen, we will miss you so very much.
Long. Live. McQueen.

February 16, 2010

Dreaming of a Lost Paradise

Today it snowed again.
Although it was just a few hours of flurries, it made me realize
how sick I am of all this snow. I just want it to be summer.
I want the easy clothes, the warm nights, the lightning bugs,
the melting ice cream, the sun-dried hair,
and the infamous note in a bottle.

So, in an effort to escape the cold, 
here is an editorial from Elle March '10
that illustrates where I really want to be
right now.

where is my paradise?
where is my paradise?
where is my paradise?
where is my paradise?
where is my paradise?
where is my paradise?
where is my paradise?
where is my paradise?
Photos Courtesy of Elle

In For The Kill

Frankenfashion by Alex Turvey on Vimeo

February 13, 2010

Enter the Dinner Dress

Javier Vallhonrat shoots Freja Beha for Vogue UK September 2009

enter the dinner dress
enter the dinner dress
enter the dinner dress

enter the dinner dress
enter the dinner dress
enter the dinner dress
enter the dinner dress
enter the dinner dress
enter the dinner dress
Photos Courtesy of Vogue UK

February 12, 2010

Long Live McQueen

One of my all time favorite designers and one of my biggest inspirations,
ALEXANDER MCQUEEN, was found dead in his London home on Thursday morning,
only hours before the start of the McQ fashion show at New York Fashion Week. 
The cause of his death is uncertain at this time but my thoughts
go out to his family during this difficult period.

He changed the face of fashion forever and put London on the map as a fashion capital. His love for anything over the top and his attention to detail helped him create some of the most innovative and extravagant runway shows to ever be witnessed. He was an out-of-the-box thinker and morphed his models into anything he could dream up, including sea creatures, witches, mental patients and feminine football players. McQueen took every trend, every era, every season and twisted it into his own one-of-a-kind vision, thus creating a body of work more powerful 
than any young designer can dream of achieving.

 Long. Live. McQueen.

alexander mcqueen
alexander mcqueen
alexander mcqueen
alexander mcqueen
alexander mcqueen
alexander mcqueen
alexander mcqueen
Photos Courtesy of Yatzer

February 10, 2010

Angular Velocity

My friend Vivi ventured over to my house in the snow yesterday 
and tried on the dress that I made last week.
Catalina had the fancy camera that she took from the 
Photography classroom at school and we went outside 
in the frigid cold to take pictures. 
Vivi, with her strong Croatian skin,
didn't seem to mind the cold and modeled perfectly.
The dress is a silver taffeta strapless dress (made by me), the scarf is Urban Outfitters
and the shoes are BCBG from my sister's closet.

vivi,angular velocity,grey dress
vivi,angular velocity,grey dress
vivi,angular velocity,grey dress
vivi,angular velocity,grey dress
vivi,angular velocity,grey dress
vivi,angular velocity,grey dress
vivi,angular velocity,grey dress
vivi,angular velocity,grey dress
vivi,angular velocity,grey dress
vivi,angular velocity,grey dress
Props to Catalina for photographing and Greg for uhh holding coats.